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Non-Research Divisions

The major achievements of the CSIR-Food Research Institute over the years are recognized in terms of their significant contribution to the Trade and Industry, Agriculture, Health and Education Sectors of the national economy:

Generate scientific information for teaching at tertiary level

  • High level staff members who are part-time lecturers of the Universities
  • External Examiners for graduate students
  • Supervise and offer facilities for post-graduate training
  • Internship for 3rd –Year Students from the Universities
  • Practical Training for University students on attachment annually
  • Practical Training for Polytechnic students on attachment annually
  • Run training programmes for teachers in specific areas

The health sector has benefitted from the activities of the Institute through our community nutrition interventions, food safety awareness creation, development and promotion of technologies for weaning foods. and addressing food related health hazards through research. Some of the achievements in this area are as follows:

Food Safety:

Food safety awareness has been created through screening of raw and processed foods for mycotoxins, heavy metal contamination, agrochemical residues, pathogens etc., and advice given on preventive measures.

Safety of Street Foods:

The extent of hazards from heavy metals and microbiological contamination in street foods in Accra has been evaluated and the sources of some of the heavy metal and microbiological contaminations identified. Economically viable and socially acceptable control measures for reducing the hazards to acceptable levels have been determined and verified. Consultative document on street foods has been completed and disseminated to lawmakers/ regulatory bodies, enforcement agencies, NGOs and other appropriate ministries.

Improved Nutritional Status of Rural Communities:

The nutritional and health status of some farming communities have been improved through development and extension of household legume processing and utilization technoloqies.

Biological Degradation of Aflatoxins:

In collaboration with other scientists from Germany and Nigeria, the Institute has been able to isolate and identify an organism that is able to break down aflatoxin.

Food Product Development:

Food Products2Appropriate technologies have been developed and transferred for the production of several new convenience foods which are either adequate alternatives to imported materials or have export potential.

These include Root and Tuber-based convenience foods such as fortified gari, improved kokonte flour, agbelima flour and fufu powders (yam, cocoyam and plantain), as well as cereal/legume-based convenience foods such as Dehydrated Fermented Maize Meal, High protein Infant Weaning Foods, Composite Flours and High Quality Legume Flours. The local production, utilization and export of some of these products constitute a large saving on foreign exchange for the country.

Solutions to Industrial Problems

The Institute has employed the expertise of its staff to solve technical problems In various industries, which would otherwise have been crippled, by these problems. As a result the operations of these companies have been sustained; jobs maintained and social harmony ensued

Analytical and Technical Service Support to Industry

Processing Lab1
The Institute renders technical and analytical services to several local food industries on regular basis. 
Regular and consistent provision of good quality analytical service and advice to industry has helped several industries to monitor the quality of their products and guarantee a product of consistent quality to consumers. So far over 90 industries, enterprises etc benefit from the regular analytical services of the Institute. Institute expertise and facilities are also used by budding enterprises in product development, equipment identification and selection. The Institute has also supported large companies such as UNILEVER in pilot scale development and production of new foods over the past ten years.

Design and Construction of Food Processing Equipment:

Processing Equipment
The Institute has designed and constructed high performance hot air dryers, flour sifters, cassava graters, hammer mills, and other food processing equipment that have helped various local food processing industries to establish their businesses while saving on imported alternatives to these equipment.

Training in Microbiological Safety and Quality Control:

The Institute has trained several quality control officers and technical staff of various industries in the microbiological safety and quality control of foods. This has led to improvement in the quality of manufactured food products and has automatically impacted on the health and productivity of the population.

Training of local Entrepreneurs:

A number of potential local entrepreneurs have been trained in technologies developed by the institute. 
These technologies include, fish smoking, fruit and vegetable processing, salt Iodation, mushroom production, cassava processing, soy milk and soy flour production etc. Most of the trainees have set up businesses based on the technologies and are producing to meet the needs of both the local and export markets. The result is that jobs have been created, foreign exchange is earned and the livelihoods of people improved. Notable among some of these entrepreneurs are: Elsa Foods, Gracem Enterprise, Darkruby Enterprise, and Ebenut.

Development of Marketable Technologies for Production of Agbelima Flour:

The Institute has assisted various enterprises with appropriate technologies to produce 
shelf-stable agbelima flour on commercial scale. The enterprises include Elsa Foods, Praise Export Services and Neat Foods.

Development and Promotion of Technologies for Production of High Quality Cassava Flour and Glucose Syrup from Cassava:

Technologies have been developed and transferred to facilitate a sustainable uptake of cassava as an industrial commodity. Significant among these are the technology for the production of high quality cassava flour (HQCF) and the adapted and fine-tuned technology for the production of glucose syrup from the HQCF for use in the manufacture of biscuits, confectionery, soft drinks and other food products. The Amasa Agro Processing Company and Rodmends Company Ltd are now producing the HQCF for use by Western Veneer and Lumber Company Ltd. in Takoradi and Oti Saw Mills in Sunyani in place of imported wheat flour, for plywood manufacture. Afrimart is producing the glucose syrup for Long Life Confectionery for manufacture of biscuits and sweets.Hitherto, no industry in Ghana produced glucose syrup and, before this innovation, over 500 metric tons of glucose syrup was imported annually into the country for use in various industries.

Development and transfer of improved rice post-production and marketing technologies to enhance rural livelihoods in Northern Ghana:

Improved rice post-production and marketing systems have been developed and transferred to enhance rural livelihoods in northern Ghana. This project is helping to reduce rice imports through the development of the Rice Industry for improved quality product. Promotional strategies to introduce suitable technologies and practical solutions for the improvement of locally parboiled rice have been developed, with a view to increasing the income of all stakeholders in the production chain and improving product quality and safety, making the local rice more competitive.

Mushroom Cultivation:

Mushroom ProductionThe Institute has been involved with training and extension activities for the general public, entrepreneurs and individuals on mushroom cultivation and spawn production. Not less than 200 participants have been trained within the past five years. Most of the trainees have established small-scale mushroom farming units with spawn provided by the Institute. On-site training programmes have also been conducted for participants in the Volta, Ashanti, Eastern and Central Regions of Ghana within the period. The Institute also assisted the Christian Rural Aid Network (CRAN) to set up a compost bag unitat Woete in the Volta region.

Development and Application of HACCP Systems for Food Quality Assurance:

Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point systems have been developed for traditional small- and medium-scale enterprises to enhance competitiveness in international trade.

Accreditation of Institute Laboratory Methods:

The Institute has achieved accreditation of most of its laboratory methods to ISO 17025, thus giving international recognition of the quality of our analytical work. A credible analytical support is therefore now available for the local industries especially for the export commodities.


The Institute has over the years played a Significant role in developing appropriate technologies for storage and preservation as well as adding value to various food commodities to reduce post-harvest losses. Also significant is the Institute's unique efforts at embarking on projects aimed at addressing livelihood constraints of farm families through promotion of small-scale processing activities to improve their incomes for enhanced household food and nutrition security.

Some of the achievements in this area are stated below.

Development and promotion of improved storage cribs:

The Institute developed and promoted improved storage cribs for maize through field demonstrations in various districts, to help reduce post¬harvest losses. Simple hand shellers were also introduced to farmers.

Establishment of cassava Processing Plants in Rural Communities:

The Institute has sourced funds through collabOrative projects to set up cassava processing plants for various cassava producing communities in the country-This is greatly enhancing the scale of cassava processing and reducing post-harvest losses. Four cassava-processnq units have been established for beneficiary communities in Mantsi (Greater Accra), Doblo-Gonno (Greater Accra), Brofoyeduro (Central Region), and Beposo Nkran (Western Region). With the strengthening of the technological capacities of the four cassava-producinq communities in processing, production levels have increased and income generation enhanced.

Effective Management systems have been established and this has led to sustainability of the operations. Again, several Cassava Flour Pilot Plants have been established in various districts. Two of such Pilot Plants are fully operational throughout the year at Amanase near Suhum and Adidwan near Asante Mampong.ln addition the Institute has been able to construct a total of 52 improved gari production stoves for various beneficiary groups in the Greater Accra, Eastern, Brong-Ahafo and Northern Regions of the country.

Contribution to Development of Improved Crop Varieties:

The Institute contributed to agricultural development through screening and selection of improved varieties of cereals, legumes, and root and tubers for anti-nutritional factors and suitability for processing and local dish preparation. This is in support of the varietal development activities of the agricultural based Institutes of the CSIR.

Development, Promotion and Transfer of Bambara Processinq Technologies to Enhance Rural Livelihoods in Northern Ghana:

The Food Research Institute has developed and promoted bambara processing and utilization technologies for improved food security and livelihood of poor households in the Gushiegu-Karaga, Tolon-Kumbugu, Savelugu-Nanton districts, and the Tamale municipality in northern Ghana. The technology has been transferred to two cornrnerqal entrepreneurs as well as to 219 women engaged in micro-scale bambara processing in the four districts. Over 370 women have been exposed to household application of the technology through field demonstrations.

Formulation of Recipes:

Recipes and Recipe Manuals have been developed for diversified uses of sweet potatoes,cassava,soybean, cowpea and maize. This has enhanced the utilization of the various commodities for increased agricultural production and food security.

The health sector has benefitted from the activities of the Institute through our community nutrition interventions, food safety awareness creation, development and promotion of technologies for weaning foods. and addressing food related health hazards through research. Some of the achievements in this area are as follows:


Food Research Institute is located Adjacent to Ghana Standards Authority, Near Gulf House, Tetteh Quarshie Interchange, Accra, Ghana. We are open to the general public from Monday to Friday 7:30am - 5:00pm, excluding holidays. If you need any additional information or have a question, please contact us on 0302-962068/+233-243302980 or email us at info@foodresearchgh.org or director@foodresearchgh.org.

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