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Improving Post-Harvest Quality and Packaging of Rice, Sorghum/Millet and Cassava Products to Enhance Marketability in West Africa.

USAID/CORAF (WE CARD) SONGHAI Project- Improving Post-Harvest Quality and Packaging of Rice, SorghumlMillet and Cassava Products to Enhance Marketability
in West Africa

Cultivation of the oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) on cellulosic residues from rice straw.

Influence of rice husk on biological efficiency and nutrient content ofPleurotus ostreatus (Jacq. ex. Fr.) Kummer.

Growth and yield of three Pleurotus species on rice straw

OBJECTIVES: To introduce improved harvest and post-harvest rice processing practices and technologies to upgrade the quality and marketability of locally produced rice to meet Sub-Saharan African consumers’ preferences.

METHODOLOGY:  By use of questionnaire surveys, and participatory rapid appraisal tools and by conducting product development and sensory evaluation.

OBJECTIVE(S): To strengthen stakeholders of the rice value chain.

METHODOLOGY: Materials used include parboilers and rice.  Methods used are survey, demonstrations and training sessions. 


1. Survey on impact assessment of parboiling technology conducted in Northern regions


Food Research Institute is located Adjacent to Ghana Standards Authority, Near Gulf House, Tetteh Quarshie Interchange, Accra, Ghana. We are open to the general public from Monday to Friday 7:30am - 5:00pm, excluding holidays. If you need any additional information or have a question, please contact us on 0302-962068/+233-243302980 or email us at info@foodresearchgh.org or director@foodresearchgh.org.

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