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Primary Food Processing

December 18, 2014
Published in Consultancy Services

Extension Service

This service is offered to Clients who are already engaged in any post-harvest food handling process and need technical expertise on their field of operation. With this service, competent technical teams are dispatched to the processing site to assess the situation on the ground and propose remedial actions where need be.

December 18, 2014
Published in Other Services


With this service, an expert in an area of Client’s topic of interest delivers a lecture to that effect (to groups, etc).

November 23, 2014
Published in Consultancy Services

Product Dev't & Training

This service handles novel ideas brought in by Client. Ideas brought on board by clients are experimented in the laboratory and findings developed further to meet clients’ expectations. Laboratory work on product development is preceded by an extensive discussion led by the Research Scientist in charge of the project.

November 21, 2014
Published in Technical Services

Technology Transfer

This service deals basically with training in post-harvest food handling. The CSIR-FRI over the years, through its research has come up with a number of technologies on food value addition, enhanced food processing technologies, and HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) systems for various food processing lines.

Food Research Institute is located Adjacent to Ghana Standards Authority, Near Gulf House, Tetteh Quarshie Interchange, Accra, Ghana. We are open to the general public from Monday to Friday 7:30am - 5:00pm, excluding holidays. If you need any additional information or have a question, please contact us on 0302-962068/+233-243302980 or email us at info@foodresearchgh.org or director@foodresearchgh.org.

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